Shanghai YiNGUAN Semiconductor Technology Co., LTD

Legal Notices
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Legal Notices Legal Notices

Website legal statement

The company's official website (hereinafter referred to as the "website") is the company's portal website, and the company's information technology department is responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of the website.

The main tasks of the website are to promote the company's products and policies, publish various Su information, provide online services and achieve public participation.

The legal statement of this website and its right to modify, update and final interpretation belong to this website. Users are requested to read this legal statement carefully before using this website. Your use of this website indicates that you have understood and accepted these terms. Users must use the information and services of this website in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and the requirements of this statement, otherwise this website will hold the relevant parties legally responsible.

1. Intellectual property rights

Domain names, logos and proprietary names

The domain names and proprietary names used on this website are protected by relevant laws. Without consent, no unit or individual may use the above domain names and proprietary names in a manner that is likely to cause confusion or ambiguity. The website logo, pattern, Chinese and English names used on this website are the company's proprietary logos and may not be used by anyone without the permission of the website owner.


The ownership of all content contained on this website (including but not limited to: text, graphics, pictures, video and sound content, LOGO, layout design, column directory and name, content classification) belongs to the company.

The content and software of this website are protected by the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws. When any unit or individual uses the content and services provided by this website for commercial, profit, advertising, etc. purposes, it must obtain written permission from the company; when using the content and services provided by this website for non-commercial purposes, it must abide by copyright Law and other relevant laws, and shall not infringe the rights and interests of website owners and related rights holders.

Copyright objection

If the rights holder believes that the written works, pictures and audio and video materials (hereinafter referred to as "works") involved in the content of this website infringe upon his or her copyright, please notify this website in writing in a timely manner, and this website will delete the allegedly infringing works or discontinue them in accordance with the law. Open the corresponding link; but if the right holder cannot produce valid proof of identity, proof of copyright ownership and proof of infringement, it will be deemed that no objection has been raised. This website does not bear any responsibility if the website mistakenly deletes the work or disconnects the link from the work due to the right holder's notice.


The copyright of all text, pictures, audio and video materials, etc. in the content of this website that is marked "from our company or relevant departments" belongs to this website. Any media, website or individual that reprints or quotes the content of this website must be news-oriented. Or for the reasonable and good-faith use of public free information for the purpose of use, the original intention of the content of this website shall not be misinterpreted or modified, and the "source" shall be indicated. Violators will be held accountable by this website in accordance with the law.

Information excerpted or reproduced from this website and belonging to third parties will be indicated with the specific source. Any media, website or individual who downloads and uses this website must retain the source of information indicated on this website and bear their own legal responsibilities such as copyright.

2. Website usage regulations

This website is an official corporate website, and any commercial website is not allowed to establish links to this website and its content. No one may create a mirror (including full or partial mirror) of this website without the authorization of the website owner.

No organization or individual may illegally copy, plagiarize, or use this website and its contents for any unauthorized commercial purposes. If the owner of this website determines that user behavior is illegal or harmful to the interests of the website, it reserves the right to take relevant legal action.

This website strives to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the government information, materials and other contents published by this website. The laws, regulations, policies and other normative legal documents published on this website shall be based on paper versions.

This website may contain links to third-party web pages or websites. This website only provides link services to third-party web pages or websites. It does not make any edits to the content of third-party web pages or websites, and does not assume any guarantee or legal liability. When using third-party web pages or website links, users should abide by the relevant regulations of the web pages or websites, and make their own judgments about the possible consequences and risks to decide whether to use the content or services provided by these websites.

3. User information

  Information Collection

Users can visit this website and obtain information anonymously, but when using some functions on this website (such as question consultation, leadership mailbox, online messages, etc.), users may need to provide personal information to this website, including but not Limited to the user’s name, date of birth, gender, contact information, ID number, email address, education level, occupation, etc. Users must ensure that the information provided is true, accurate, valid and complete, and update registration information at any time. Otherwise, this website has the right to cancel user registration or refuse to provide corresponding website services.

When a user browses this website, the system of this website will automatically collect the user's IP address and website browsing information. This information helps us evaluate our website visitors and how users use and browse our website on an overall basis, including the number, frequency and duration of visits to each web page by visitors and users. By collecting the above information, we will conduct traffic statistics to improve the management and services of the website.

Information use

The personal information provided by users to this website may be used for the following purposes:

(1) Verify user identity and provide corresponding services;

(2) Carry out the user's instructions, respond to inquiries, suggestions or reports made by the user or in the name of the user;

(3) Used to compile traffic statistics on website usage;

(4) Notify users of relevant information by sending emails or other means;

(5) Used for purposes specifically specified by users when providing information, such as participating in cooperation consultation forms, etc.

This website will not provide any personal information of users to any third party without the user’s permission, except for the following circumstances:

(1) According to the rules and procedures established by this website, this website has sufficient reason to believe that it has obtained the user's authorization;

(2) This website is required to provide in accordance with the laws, regulations, policies and other normative legal documents of the People's Republic of China;

(3) The disclosure of personal information cannot be attributed to the objective situation of this website;

(4) Disclosure of personal information due to force majeure;

(5) Disclosure of personal information due to the user’s own fault;

(6) Disclosure of personal information caused by exceeding the technical capabilities of the hardware and software used on this website;

(7) To maintain the privacy and security of individual users or the public in emergencies;

(8) To maintain the ownership and related rights of this website.

  information security

This website will strictly manage and protect the information provided by users, and will use corresponding technical measures (such as setting up server backup data and encrypting user passwords, etc.) to prevent users' personal information from being lost, stolen or tampered with. If user information is destroyed, leaked and suffered losses due to force majeure or special reasons such as computer virus infection or hacker attacks, this website will take necessary measures to try to reduce the user's losses, but this website does not assume any responsibility for this.

User rights

Users can view, update and modify the personal information provided to this website through the relevant web pages of this website, or request this website to delete the information.

4. Disclaimer

This website does not provide any express or implied guarantee for all information, content and services provided by third parties on this website. This website is not responsible for any losses caused by the use of the above information, content and services, including direct losses and indirect losses.

© 2019-2024   Shanghai YiNGUAN Semiconductor Technology Co., LTD   All rights reserved ICP备案:沪ICP备19035819号