YiNGUAN specializes in high-precision motion systems that supply key components to the semiconductor and LCD industries. The product portfolio includes precision motion systems, advanced piezoelectric actuators, specialty motors, high-precision motion drivers and controllers.
YiNGUAN is characterized by customer demandoriented and rapid response. Professional customization, full life cycle service is the company's adhering to thedevelopment concept.
Becoming the hidden champion enterprise of precision motion systems and core components in semiconductor and high-end equipment.
More precise, More reliable.
In semiconductor manufacturing, the thickness of the wafer film has an important impact on the performance and quality of the device.
The definition of overlay error is the plane distance between the centers of two layers of graphic structures.
With the rapid development of the semiconductor industry, the manufacturing process of semiconductor has been becoming more and more complex, especially with the gradual improvement of the 5nm process and the continuous breakthroughs of the 3nm process.
E-beam lithography (e-beam lithography; EBL) begin in the 1960s. It’s a kind of maskless lithography developed on the basis of electron microscopes for microcircuit research and manufacturing.
YiNGUAN can provide large-stroke, high-stiffness prestressed actuators for coating film thickness control of slot coating equipment, ensuring faster response and higher-precision coating film thickness.
YiNGUAN can provide piezoelectric actuator clamps, which can be used in the wire bonding process of chip manufacturing.